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Ireland’s Talent Landscape 2025 report - essential insights from Skillnet Ireland

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Board of Directors and Committees

Skillnet Ireland is governed by a Board representing key stakeholders from employer and employee representative bodies and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

The Board comprises thirteen non-executive directors:

  • The Chairperson nominated by Irish Business and Employers Confederation (Ibec)
  • Six business/employer representatives nominated by Ibec, Chambers Ireland, Small Firms Association and Construction Industry Federation
  • Three employee representatives nominated by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Three representatives nominated by the Minister for Education and Skills

The Board is supported by three committees:

Audit and Risk Committee:
Responsible for the oversight of Skillnet Ireland’s audit and control function, including financial reporting and accounting, external audit, regulatory compliance, the effectiveness of the internal control environment and processes, and risk management.

Finance and General Purpose Committee:
Responsible for reviewing matters of a strategic financial nature and major corporate issues, including operational effectiveness, development and implementation of the statement of strategy, HR and related matters, annual budget and application of public funds.

Evaluation and Performance Monitoring Committee:
Responsible for reviewing assessments of grant funding proposals and to make recommendations on funding proposals to the Board.

Click here to see the Board Members.

Protected Disclosures

Skillnet Ireland has put in place Procedures for the Making of Protected Disclosures, which have been developed in line with the Protected Disclosures Act, 2014.  The procedures set out in detail the process by which a worker of Skillnet Ireland can make a protected disclosure, what will happen when a disclosure is made and what Skillnet Ireland will do to protect the discloser.

Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act, 2014 requires that an annual report be published in relation to the protected disclosures received by Skillnet Ireland. The table below indicates the position:

Year                         Protected Disclosures Received

2014                        Nil

2015                        Nil

2016                        Nil

2017                        Nil

2018                        Nil

2019                        Nil

2020                       Nil

2021                       Nil

2022                      Nil