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Ireland’s Talent Landscape 2025 report - essential insights from Skillnet Ireland

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How MentorsWork Works

How MentorsWork Works

MentorsWork is a mentoring and learning initiative designed to empower SME owner-managers to navigate their pathway to business success.

Through one-on-one interactions, webinars, and bespoke resources, the structured 12-week programme aims to provide you with the skills and supports to help your business thrive, by addressing specific skills and business needs. During the application process, businesses can choose priority areas and the programme is tailored to those needs with an experienced mentor assigned to support on a one-to-one basis over 12 weeks. The mentor provides guidance in creating a six-month business improvement plan and recommends relevant workshops and masterclasses within the programme.

Brought To You In Partnership With

  • Ibec. For Irish Business.
  • Microfinance Ireland
  • SBCI. Anseo chun gnó a fhorbairt. Comparáid Baincéireachta Straitéiseach na hÉireann. Here to build business. Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland.
  • SFA. Small Firms Association.
  • Skillnet Ireland
Why Choose MentorsWork?

Why Choose MentorsWork?

The MentorsWork team appraises each business by assessing the team's abilities in marketing, winning new business, and financial literacy and analysis. Key competencies under assessment include the capability to forecast and manage a budget, team resources, cash flow management, leadership skills, understanding of and ability to convey the unique selling position, staff recruitment and retention and understanding of new technologies.

“Any small business should look at applying for MentorsWork because it really helps you along a journey of looking at technology, systems, and processes you have in place and really improving productivity.”

- Sue O'Neill, Shellcove Association Management Company

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