Design Practice in Ireland Report: Design Skillnet
Design Practice in Ireland Report: Design Skillnet
Electronics Sector Resources & Skills Needs: MIDAS Electronic Systems Skillnet
Retail Technologies and Future Skills Report: Retail Ireland Skillnet
Insights paper - Micro-Credentials: An Evolving Ecosystem
Cultural diversity challenges and opportunities in the Irish agri-food sector
Boosting Medtech, Manufacturing Engineers and Finance talent to drive Jobs Growth in the West Region: Galway Executive Skillnet
Enabling the Workforce of the Future - The Role of Learning and Development: Trainers’ Learning Skillnet
Digital Agriculture Technology - Adoption and Attitudes Study: Farm Business Skillnet
Innovation Capability Development in Ireland: Trainers’ Learning Skillnet
The Future of Work Now: The Digital Transformation of Customer Service and the Emergence of Ireland’s Cx Professional: ICBE Advanced Productivity Skillnet
The Development and Implementation of an Accredited Continuing Professional Development Framework in Agriculture: Macra Agricultural Skillnet
Developing New Learning Technologies: Taste 4 Success Skillnet
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