New Electric Vehicle Micro-Credential Programme from CILT Skillnet driving Ireland towards reduced transport emissions
New Electric Vehicle Micro-Credential Programme from CILT Skillnet driving Ireland towards reduced transport emissions
INFOGRAPHIC: Skillnet Ireland Annual Report 2022
2022 Annual Report: Skillnet Ireland reports significant increase in support to businesses of all sizes
Skills-First: An emerging approach to managing human resources for the new world of work
kinetic: The Skillnet Ireland Newsletter - July 2023 Edition
Skillnet Ireland and The Climate Ready Academy Launch First Biodiversity Leaders Programme for Irish Industry | European Year of Skills
The Network Insider: Irish Hotels Federation Skillnet
Project EAGLE - tackling digital skills gaps throughout European SMEs
World Leading VR Technology Enhances First Polymer Training Skillnet’s Injection Moulding Programmes
Skillnet Ireland and UCC Launch Specialised Lifelong Learning Programmes for Employees Working in the Dairy Sector
Construction Professionals Skillnet Launches Video Series on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)
Skillnet Ireland announces the launch of IRDG Innovation Skillnet in collaboration with Industry Research & Development Group (IRDG)
kinetic: The Skillnet Ireland Newsletter - May 2023 Edition
Skillnet Ireland and Maynooth University announce pioneering Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Financial Technology & Innovation
Boosting Sales with Artificial Intelligence (AI) - MentorsWork Upcoming Webinar
The Network Insider: Food Drink Ireland Skillnet
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