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BioPharmaChem Skillnet and University College Cork (UCC) have launched a new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme aimed at fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace in Ireland’s BioPharmaChem sector. 

Developed by Adult Continuing Education (ACE) at UCC, the CPD Certificate in Neurodiversity in the Workplace is the world’s first university-accredited course of its kind. 

The Certificate in CPD in Neurodiversity in the Workplace was developed as the result of an impactful study from BioPharmaChem Skillnet which examined Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in the BioPharmaChem industry. The research revealed that diversifying the workforce is a crucial priority for the industry to develop its talent. 

Speaking at the launch of the programme, Dr Lyndsey El Amoud, Deputy Director in Adult Continuing Education at UCC, said: “The biopharmaceutical industry is rapidly expanding, set to increase by 10,000 jobs in the next five years. It is vital that we start now, educating and training teams in the area of neurodiversity to create a welcoming culture that is understanding and can adapt to the needs of neurodiverse people. This forward-thinking perspective by companies who enable their teams to complete this programme will be very attractive to potential employees in the next five years. It will set companies apart when trying to expand their teams in this competitive sector.” 

Aoife O’Sullivan, Head of Network Development & Innovation, Skillnet Ireland, said: “Skillnet Ireland is committed to supporting business leaders and managers in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces across the economy. Creating a more inclusive culture and happier workforce boosts productivity, attracts key talent and supports sustainability. This programme will drive the reframing of the perception of neurodiversity, and it is very positive to see BioPharmaChem Skillnet taking steps to equip managers with the knowledge and skills to start those conversations in the workplace.” 

Programme Coordinator with ACE Eleanor McSherry – who is neurodivergent – said: “For the pharmaceutical industry to work with us to create a course specifically for their industry on neurodiversity, is amazing. It is estimated that 15-20% of the population are neurodiverse and unfortunately many neurodivergent workers within the BioPharmaChem sector are afraid to say they have issues and would rather walk away from the workplace than let anyone know. Education is the most important element in removing barriers to employment, it also creates an inclusive culture that is important to all the workforce and to retaining valuable talented workers.” 

The programme will provide students with a holistic and people-centred understanding of the multi-faceted concept and movement of neurodiversity. The course is aimed at leaders, directors, managers, supervisors, teams, and anyone interested in fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. The 12-week course will be taught fully online and will commence in September 2024.

The course content explores the policies and legislative context and the practicalities that govern best practice for companies in this area. This will include covering areas such as recruitment, inclusion, support and retention of neurodivergent workers and colleagues. The hope is to create a culture in which everyone can thrive and participate in the industry’s operations and leadership.

The new programme will be available from September 2024. Further information and registration details are available online

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