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MentorsWork, a Skillnet Ireland initiative, supports Irish businesses in developing the skills, tools and competencies they need for success. We spoke to the team recently to learn more about their upcoming ‘MentorsWork Live’ online event on Wednesday, May 24th  10 am – 12:30 pm. The discussion, led by experts, will focus on how business owners can grow their customer base, increase sales, and improve customer service. 

Boosting Sales with AI 

If you are part of an SME, you know how vital it is to outpace competitors and keep up with the latest technological advancements. If you’re not already using AI in your business, now is the time to start. By adopting AI, you can gain a competitive advantage, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experience.  

The good news is, it’s not as complicated or expensive as you might think. To find out more, you’ll have to join the  ‘Boosting Sales with AI’  live online event. 

Improved Customer Experience  

AI can improve the customer experience by personalising interactions based on customer data. With AI-powered chatbots, businesses can provide 24/7 customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and resolve issues quickly. AI is able to provide valuable insights by analysing large amounts of data quickly and accurately. This can help businesses make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.  

Futureproof Your Business 

AI is not a passing fad; it is here to stay. By adopting AI, you can future-proof your business and ensure that you stay ahead of the curve.  

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about the latest AI technologies and how they can benefit your business. Join MentorsWork on Wednesday, May 24th, and take the first step towards a more efficient, productive, and profitable business. Register now to secure your free spot and get ready to Boost Your Sales using AI.  

MentorsWork is brought to you by SFA in partnership with Skillnet Ireland, Ibec, SBCI and Microfinance Ireland.

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