Aviation Skillnet
Aviation Skillnet supports businesses in the aviation and aerospace sector.
Aviation Skillnet
Aviation Skillnet supports businesses in the aviation and aerospace sector.
BioPharmaChem Skillnet
BioPharmaChem Skillnet supports businesses in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, medical device, and chemical supply sectors.
Carlow Kilkenny Skillnet
Carlow Kilkenny Skillnet supports businesses in Carlow, Kilkenny and the South East Region.
Chartered Accountants Ireland Skillnet
Chartered Accountants Ireland Skillnet supports businesses in the accounting and financial services sector.
CILT Mobility & Supply Chain Skillnet
CILT Mobility & Supply Chain Skillnet supports businesses in logistics, transport and supply chain sectors.
CitA Skillnet
CitA Skillnet supports businesses in the Irish construction sector.
Cobotics Skillnet
Cobotics Skillnet supports businesses in the robotics, artificial intelligence and technology sectors.
Connected Health Skillnet
Connected Health Skillnet supports businesses in the medical technologies, pharmaceuticals, information technology and software sectors.
Construction Professionals Skillnet
Construction Professionals Skillnet supports businesses in the construction sector.
Cork Chamber Skillnet
Cork Chamber Skillnet supports businesses in Cork and the South West Region.
County Tipperary Chamber Skillnet
County Tipperary Chamber Skillnet supports bushiness in Tipperary and the South East and Mid West Regions.
County Wexford Chamber Skillnet
County Wexford Chamber Skillnet supports businesses in Wexford and the South East Region.
Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet
Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet supports businesses, including freelancers, from across the creative and cultural ecosystem.
Design Skillnet
Design Skillnet supports businesses in the design sector.
Design, Print & Packaging Skillnet
Design Print & Packaging Skillnet supports businesses in the design, print and packaging sectors.
Duhallow Skillnet
Duhallow Skillnet supports businesses in North Cork and the South West Region.
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