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The Challenge

  • Requirement to upskill regularly due to speed of technological change
  • Expertise needed to source quality training


We struggled with upskilling in the early days. In our line of work we need to upskill quickly and regularly. ITAG Skillnet enables us to do this.

TJ McHugh, Research and Development Director, CBE

Company Background

CBE are a privately owned company formed in 1980. Initially a reseller of software, they now have an inhouse research and development centre with offices in Ireland and the UK and are one of the leading innovators in software development for retail technology in Europe. CBE are a leading supplier of EPoS solutions to the supermarket, convenience, forecourt, hospitality and general merchandise sectors.

Company Background

The Solution

CBE struggled with upskilling in the early days. Rapidly changing technologies and the nature of their industry meant that the team needed to upskill regularly. The company also went through a high-growth expansion phase and increased headcount from 110 to 150 employees in two years.

Their need for bespoke in-house training is what led them to engage with the ITAG Skillnet Network. CBE availed of training through the Network with courses ranging from highly technical programmes such as Applied Data Science, Software Testing and DevOps right through to programmes focusing on uniquely human skills such as PMI/Project Management and Helpdesk Customer Care.

TJ McHugh, Research and Development Director at CBE said; “The fact that it is grant aided and local really appealed to us. It is incredibly difficult to access high quality technical and specialist training without needing to travel. Courses offered by ITAG Skillnet are very well coordinated and are exactly what we need, specifically focused on what we want our people to upskill in.”

The Outcome

  • Participation levels on training provided locally increased attendance and were more cost effective
  • Upskilling enabled employees to move from one division to another, for new challenges and opportunities
  • Within the R&D function, the entire team undertook Project Management training via ITAG Skillnet, common understanding now of all the tools, resulting in huge efficiency with developer testers, more accurate estimates and better quality delivery, on time and within budget.

TJ can see the advantage that training has brought to his division and the business overall: “In terms of Project Management training we have definitely seen a huge improvement in efficiency, by having accurate estimates we can identify risks much better at an early stage which can be removed or actioned, we are more accurate on large scale projects. The quality was always there, now there is no project creep and skills and competencies have all improved across all levels of the organisation.”

Looking towards the future TJ is aware of the need to maintain CBE’s competitive edge: “Training will be ongoing, there will be a greater demand for more courses delivered on new technologies and the need to access that at an early stage close to our base is critically important.”

About The Network

About The Network

itag Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the technology sector in the West, North West and Mid West Regions. Network companies work collaboratively to share best practice and to respond effectively to the specific skills needs of the sector. The network addresses both technical and non-technical skills needs.

  • Contact Person: Dee Timoney
  • Email:
  • Tel: 087 222 6499

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